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David Lloyd Clubs FAQ

Hints & Tips

Do your research

Come prepared with an understanding of our business.

Ask questions

It’s important to learn about us, too.

Know your CV

We will ask you questions about it, so know the details.

Take your time

Don’t rush when answering a question. Take time to think.

Refresh your memory

Review the advert, be aware of the responsibilities.


Not always the easiest, but try to keep calm. And don’t forget to breathe.

Be yourself

We want our Team Members to be their authentic selves.

What to wear?

We recommend smart casual, but most important is that you feel comfortable at the interview.


Bobby Sangha
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Bobby Sangha

Design Manager

Working for David Lloyd Clubs allows me to have a great work-life balance. Giving me energy, focus, and mental clarity. Balancing work, fitness, and personal life, is huge for my lifestyle.

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